what we've been up to // looking ahead

We haven't been in touch for a few months but we wanted to let you know we're still here - and we're hard at work. We have been participating in and interacting with the #BlackLivesMatter movement's actions and #WeSeeYouWAT's demands both personally and collectively, and the artist-driven conversations we've been holding have been deeply meaningful and instructive. Our entire core community will be undergoing Nicole Brewer's Anti-Racist Theater training course in September, and our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion task force is currently crafting our Code of Community. As director Seret Scott said recently about our collective future, "it won't look the same, because it isn't the same."

We have also been continuing to prioritize our efforts to provide paid work opportunities for professional artists, as well as nurture the next generation of theater artists. Launched in June 2020, our Mentorship program pairs teen alumni of our free Education Initiative with professional artists for 12 weeks of one-on-one virtual conversation and collaboration.

Finally, we are thrilled to announce that Colt Coeur is growing. We recently welcomed Sendhil Ramamurthy & Amy Ashton to our Board; and Kelcey Anyá, Vanessa Peréda-Felix, and Portia Krieger to our Company. Bailey Williams assumed the role of Managing Director this past spring. Like so many of the artists in our community -- Sendhil first worked with us as an artist, performing in last season's world premiere of Hatefuck, (by company member Rehana Lew Mirza); and Kelcey and Vanessa first engaged with Colt Coeur through our internship program.

Colt Coeur is made up of an incredible ecosystem of people committed to the idea of creating theater that pulls you close and doesn’t let go. Although we aren't able to gather in person right now, in the coming weeks we will share an alternate season of monthly happenings. In the meantime, please consider supporting our ongoing efforts by making a donation today. We can't do this work without you.

Thank you for reading. Let's take care of ourselves, and each other.


Adrienne & Colt Coeur